Anemone is the fourth album by Earth Tongues. The recording captures a piece by the same name, which was performed outdoors and plays with the line between music and ambient noise. In the piece the trio inhabits the surrounding environment: a micro ecosystem is closely observed within a macro ecosystem. The experience might be best summed up by a line from George Oppen’s Route – “The sea anemone dreamed of something, filtering the sea water thru its body.”
Joe Moffett - trumpet
Dan Peck - tuba
Carlo Costa - percussion
Recorded by Lester St. Louis in a backyard in Kensington, Brooklyn, NY, on June 18, 2021. Mixed and mastered by Nathaniel Morgan. All music by Earth Tongues. Artwork by Joe Moffett.
Release date: February 25, 2024.
Neither/Nor Records